Exchange Rates
Indicative Exchange Rate

Last updated 

Amount in HKD HKD/INR Rate (Bank Buys HKD)


Amount in USD USD/INR Rate (Bank Buys USD)


Disclaimer: Ticker or otherwise displayed exchange rates are indicative only and do not represent an offer by us, to buy or sell at such rates. It in no way guarantees or represents the foreign exchange conversion rate that will actually be applied to the foreign exchange sent by you. The exchange rate as applicable at the date and time of converting your funds will be applied to your transaction. Please note that ICICI Bank Limited, Hong Kong ( "ICICI Bank") offers market-linked rates and due to intra-day rate fluctuations in the market the exchange rates are volatile. Please note that ICICI Bank may make monetary gains on foreign currency converted by ICICI Bank. ICICI Bank makes no warranties, express or implied, regarding the exchange rates or the performance of this website and shall not be liable for any losses or damages incurred in connection with the exchange rate provided on this website.

Please note that the time mentioned above is in Indian Standard Time (IST).