- Key in your Customer ID provided to you. Please ensure that there are no spaces in the beginning/end or in between.
- Enter the password provided to you separately.
- Click on the "Submit" button.
Log off
- You may exit at any time during your Online Banking session by selecting "Logout" from the navigation bar or from the top right corner of the blue bar.
- If you accidentally clicked "Logout" but decide you want to access your accounts again, click on "Click here to access ICICI Bank Hong Kong" on the Logged out page to log on again.
Basic Internet Browser / JAVA requirements:
Java versions:
- ICICI Bank's internet banking service as available on the website (www.icicibank.hk) is currently compatible with 'Java version 1.6.x' (Version 6).
- The internet banking service is compatible with Internet Explorer (IE) versions 6.0 to 9.0. However, when using IE 9.0 version, the below mentioned browser level settings (Internet Explorer 9.0: settings) related changes need to be incorporated.
Internet Explorer 9.0: Settings for internet banking
- Currently in IE 9.0, Java applets are blocked due to 'ActiveX filtering'. The solution is to temporarily turn off 'ActiveX filtering'.
- How to turn off ActiveX Filtering?
- At the top of the Internet Explorer Window, open the 'Tools' menu and click on 'ActiveX Filtering'. The tick appearing in front of 'ActiveX Filtering' will disappear which means that the 'ActiveX Filtering' option has been disabled.
- In case Java was downloaded on IE 9.0, you may encounter a problem whereby Java causes the web page to crash. To counter this you need to enable 'compatibility view' in IE 9.0 as follows:
- Go to 'Tools' and click on 'Compatibility view settings' option;
- Click the 'Add' button and add the website (www.icicibank.hk). This will enable the 'compatibility view' option in IE 9.0.